Started in 2019 by Wojciech SP5WWP in Warsaw, Poland, the M17 Project's goal was to provide an open source, amateur radio designed digital radio protocol as an alternative to commercially available solutions. The name M17 is derived from the address of one of the amateur radio clubs in Warsaw - Mokotowska 17.
M17 has now grown into a community of open source developers and radio enthusiasts.
M17 is currently developing new open source hardware, software, and a digital radio protocol for data and voice, made by and for amateur radio operators.
Our protocol's voice mode uses the free and open Codec 2 voice encoder. This means there are no patents, no royalties, and no licensing or legal barriers to scratch-building your own radio or modifying one you already own.
This freedom to build, understand, and innovate is core to amateur radio, but has been missing from commercially available hardware, software, and digital voice modes. This is part of why amateur radio has largely stagnated since the 1990s and we're almost wholly dependent on commercial products.
M17 is about unlocking and creating the capabilities that amateur radio hardware should have.
Here you will find people working on radio hardware designs that can be copied and built by anyone, software that anyone has the freedom to modify and share to suit their own needs, and other open systems that respect your freedom to tinker.
Come join the group! We're making ham radio fun.
Bare-metal software developer. Radio amateur since 2016. Open source and hardware movement enthusiast.
Senior Systems Administrator for a non-profit based in Boston, Massachusetts. Enjoys coding, tinkering, and playing with radios!
Old school analog radio enthusiast living in a digital radio world. Recently retired and rarely found without a large cup of coffee in hand. Radio Amateur since 1993.
Retired IT executive & engineer of 28 years. Serial entrepreneur, unapologetic life-long gearhead, F/OSS developer and ham operator since the 80's. Founder and principal developer of the WPSD project (W0CHP-PiStar-Dash); the first digital voice hotspot software distribution to natively and fully support the M17 protocol.
Research associate in mobile communications. Part time PhD student, full time tinkerer. Open hardware enthusiast
Research Engineer in embedded systems and radio communications. Loves Open-Source as well as learning new things. Bakes waffles.
Fintech Software Engineer & Founder of Mobilinkd LLC. Enjoys digital signal processing, embedded systems, and electronic design. Still trying to master the FPGA.
Automotive powertrain electronics engineer. Open source hardware & software enthusiast, GNU/Linux advocate, and self proclaimed 'Gadgeteer'. Radio amateur since 2013.
Retired Physical Chemist. Now a radio amateur and open source software guy interested in digital comms.